There are a number of benefits to using the Aquadrive system to improve commercial and pleasure craft smoothness and efficiency in many applications:
Absorb engine vibration
Eliminate the need for accurate alignment
Reduce stress on the transmission
Allow soft mounting of engine and transmission
Reduce noise in the cabin and cockpit – better comfort on board
Easier maintenance
Reduce risk of shaft seal problems / leakage
Reduce risk of gearbox output seal problems
Simplify engine installation
Easier re-power options

A major benefit with re-power options is that Aquadrive significantly increases “choice” where different engines and transmissions are specified. Often a repower includes higher horsepower (most owners are going this way) and different configurations than what was previously fitted. Adding to this cocktail is constraint of alignment to the existing stern tube/strut etc. The Aquadrive system allows the engine/transmission package to be placed virtually anywhere there is space in the engine room as long as the driveshaft can be fitted between the transmission and thrust bearing or drive components with angles of up to 6° on either or both ends.
The above benefits apply to -
Conventional shaft drives
V Drive applications – both integral and remote
Surface Drives
Stern legs
IPS applications
Waterjet propulsion
Rigid Inflatables