Körting Hannover AG
Körting are the pioneers in the field of Ejector based vacuum systems.For over 140 years now Körting Hannover AG has been in the business of supplying engineering performance, components and systems for process engineering plants.+
Körting offers many years of experience, expertise and continuous development of the Körting products. With Körting know-how, customised solutions can always be implemented beginning with the specification of concept and leading over the supplying of components right up to a turn-key plant solution. Körting products have a great reputation of optimizing utilities & operating cost.
Transfer systems for air and oxygen to liquids (AERATION)
Körting transfer systems for air and oxygen consist of the following products:
Jet aerators for Effluent and Wastewater Treatment Units
- Ejectors for waste water aeration
- Ejectors for introducing gaseous oxygen
Jet pumps for pressurised dissolved air flotation
Jet pumps for de-acidification of potable water
Liquid jet mixing nozzles and tank mixing systems
Liquid jet mixing nozzles and tank mixing systems can be used instead of less efficient mechanical agitators.
Other Applications
Single and Multistage vacuum systems
Thermo Compressors
Steam jet chilling plants for Petrochemical, Refineries, and other Chemical process Industries
Caustic lye recovery units for Textile industries where fabric mercerizing is done
Ice condensation Vacuum Systems and Alkaline Vacuum Systems for large capacity Edible Oil and Fatty Acid Units
Scrubbers for removal of Hazardous gases for Chlor-Alkali & other Chemical Process Industries
Burners for Glass, Steel and Metal processing industries